Chris Loy.

Habit tracking and the tyranny of the push notification

I confess I have a proclivity for organisation and balance in my life. As we all know, the British are known for their punctuality, love of queueing, and dry sense of humour - which is why I've turned to a habit tracking app to maintain the illusion of control in my day-to-day life. I mean, who wouldn't want a helpful reminder to meditate, read, and take out the rubbish?

The effortless art of habit tracking

Before we dive into the particulars, let's discuss the ease of using a habit tracking app. With a few taps on your smartphone, you can input your desired habits and track your progress with minimal effort. Like most things in life, a little effort goes a long way – except for perhaps attempting to make tea in a microwave.

My personal use

I track several habits, among which:

  1. Diet and exercise: Proper nutrition and physical activity are the cornerstones of good health. My habit tracking app reminds me to exercise regularly, take occasional vegetarian or vegan days, and to abstain from alcohol several days per week.
  2. Reading books: Tracking my reading habits allows me to allocate time for both the frivolous and erudite, ensuring a balanced intellectual diet. After all, "a room without books is like a body without a soul" – or so said Cicero, who clearly never encountered the joy of a fully charged Kindle.
  3. Meditation: In today's fast-paced world, finding a moment of tranquillity is akin to locating a needle in a haystack. Under the tyranny of the push notification, I now am able to set aside time to meditate.
  4. Household tasks: Ah, chores – the bane of every adult's existence. Tracking household tasks with the app allows me to maintain a semblance of order in my living space. The process is not entirely dissimilar to herding cats, but it keeps my home from resembling the aftermath of a tornado.
  5. Writing: As an occasional writer, I aim to practise my craft weekly. My habit tracking app serves as a persistent reminder to pen my thoughts, lest my writing skills become as rusty as a forgotten umbrella in a London rainstorm.

Inversion of control

As with anything in life, it is crucial to avoid becoming overly regimented in our pursuit of balance. There are days when my habit tracking app feels like a tyrannical overlord, demanding unyielding adherence to schedules and routines. I've learned to adapt and find a happy medium that allows for a smidgen of spontaneity.

Embrace the (moderately) organised life

In summary, a habit tracking app can be a remarkably useful tool in one's quest for balance, particularly for those of us who appreciate a well-ordered life with a hint of dry wit. However, it is essential to remain mindful of the potential risks associated with becoming too dependent on such an app.

Over-reliance on a habit tracking app can lead to an overly regimented existence, where we dedicate an excessive amount of our free time to strictly adhering to our habits, consequently losing the ability to be spontaneous. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and while maintaining healthy habits and a semblance of order is important, so too is preserving the capacity for spontaneity and the occasional indulgence in life's many unexpected pleasures.

To strike the right balance, use your habit tracking app as a helpful guide rather than an inflexible dictator. Allow yourself the freedom to occasionally deviate from your routines and embrace the joys that come from life's unpredictable moments. After all, there's more to life than perfectly executed habits, and a bit of flexibility can make our journey towards a balanced existence all the more enjoyable.